EN1 1JZ Postcode

Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes

EN > EN1 > EN1 1

Map of EN1 1JZ

This map shows the location of EN1 1JZ

Information about EN1 1JZ

Street Address : Lincoln Crescent, Enfield, Greater London

Country : England

Date Introduced : January 1980

Latitude, Longitude : 51.6462, -0.071

Population : 158 (2011 Census)

Number of Occupied Households : 52 (2011 Census)

Easting : 533566

Northing : 0195920

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EN1 1JZ postcode breakdown

EN1 1JZ is in the postcode sector EN1 1

EN1 1JZ is in the postcode district EN1

EN1 1JZ is in the postcode area EN

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