L12 2 Sector

Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes

Map of L12 2 Sector postcodes.

A list of the 37 postcodes inside the postcode sector L12 2.

Postal Town : Liverpool

Country : England

L12 2AA L12 L 53.4296 -2.9049
L12 2AD L12 L 53.4224 -2.9022
L12 2AE L12 L 53.4219 -2.9018
L12 2AF L12 L 53.4215 -2.9021
L12 2AG L12 L 53.4259 -2.903
L12 2AH L12 L 53.4218 -2.8973
L12 2AJ L12 L 53.4206 -2.8954
L12 2AL L12 L 53.4251 -2.9029
L12 2AN L12 L 53.423 -2.9005
L12 2AP L12 L 53.4202 -2.8987
L12 2AQ L12 L 53.4237 -2.9006
L12 2AR L12 L 53.4238 -2.9049
L12 2AS L12 L 53.4228 -2.9036
L12 2AT L12 L 53.4228 -2.9041
L12 2AU L12 L 53.4227 -2.9018
L12 2AW L12 L 53.4225 -2.8996
L12 2AX L12 L 53.4229 -2.9012
L12 2AY L12 L 53.4194 -2.906
L12 2AZ L12 L 53.42 -2.9
L12 2BA L12 L 53.4211 -2.9014
L12 2BB L12 L 53.4219 -2.8985
L12 2BD L12 L 53.4201 -2.8937
L12 2BH L12 L 53.4196 -2.8952
L12 2BJ L12 L 53.4199 -2.9067
L12 2BL L12 L 53.4219 -2.9045
L12 2BN L12 L 53.4244 -2.9033
L12 2BQ L12 L 53.4297 -2.9049
L12 2BS L12 L 53.4214 -2.9057
L12 2BT L12 L 53.4225 -2.9015
L12 2BU L12 L 53.4296 -2.9052
L12 2DR L12 L 53.4242 -2.9052
L12 2WA L12 L 53.4296 -2.9052
L12 2WH L12 L 53.4297 -2.9049
L12 2WU L12 L 53.4296 -2.9049
L12 2WW L12 L 53.4296 -2.9052
L12 2WY L12 L 53.4296 -2.9052
L12 2WZ L12 L 53.4296 -2.9052

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