L33 5 Sector

Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes

Map of L33 5 Sector postcodes.

A list of the 36 postcodes inside the postcode sector L33 5.

Postal Town : Kirkby

Country : England

L33 5WZ L33 L 53.4813 -2.8859
L33 5XA L33 L 53.4801 -2.8749
L33 5XB L33 L 53.4805 -2.8715
L33 5XD L33 L 53.4815 -2.8708
L33 5XE L33 L 53.4823 -2.8703
L33 5XF L33 L 53.4837 -2.8697
L33 5XG L33 L 53.4823 -2.872
L33 5XH L33 L 53.4841 -2.8699
L33 5XJ L33 L 53.484 -2.8705
L33 5XL L33 L 53.4838 -2.8711
L33 5XN L33 L 53.4827 -2.8732
L33 5XP L33 L 53.4819 -2.8738
L33 5XQ L33 L 53.4822 -2.8716
L33 5XR L33 L 53.482 -2.8731
L33 5XS L33 L 53.4814 -2.8715
L33 5XT L33 L 53.4813 -2.8712
L33 5XU L33 L 53.4807 -2.8745
L33 5XW L33 L 53.483 -2.8734
L33 5XX L33 L 53.4802 -2.8738
L33 5XY L33 L 53.481 -2.8735
L33 5XZ L33 L 53.4815 -2.8738
L33 5YA L33 L 53.4811 -2.875
L33 5YB L33 L 53.4822 -2.8752
L33 5YD L33 L 53.4835 -2.8754
L33 5YE L33 L 53.4827 -2.8755
L33 5YF L33 L 53.4826 -2.8746
L33 5YG L33 L 53.4814 -2.8767
L33 5YH L33 L 53.4829 -2.8759
L33 5YJ L33 L 53.4821 -2.8762
L33 5YL L33 L 53.4812 -2.8769
L33 5YN L33 L 53.4809 -2.8769
L33 5YP L33 L 53.4788 -2.8729
L33 5YQ L33 L 53.4814 -2.8773
L33 5YS L33 L 53.4837 -2.8735
L33 5YU L33 L 53.4805 -2.8753
L33 5YW L33 L 53.4809 -2.8785

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