S33 6 Sector

Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes

Map of S33 6 Sector postcodes.

A list of the 42 postcodes inside the postcode sector S33 6.

Postal Town : Aston

Country : England

S33 6AA S33 S 53.3483 -1.7428
S33 6AF S33 S 53.3609 -1.7544
S33 6BW S33 S 53.3483 -1.7428
S33 6BX S33 S 53.3 -1.4527
S33 6BY S33 S 53.3 -1.4527
S33 6BZ S33 S 53.3492 -1.7437
S33 6RA S33 S 53.3522 -1.7254
S33 6RB S33 S 53.3447 -1.722
S33 6RD S33 S 53.3483 -1.7473
S33 6RE S33 S 53.3444 -1.7261
S33 6RF S33 S 53.3683 -1.7522
S33 6RG S33 S 53.3494 -1.7451
S33 6RH S33 S 53.3475 -1.7414
S33 6RJ S33 S 53.3488 -1.7479
S33 6RL S33 S 53.3481 -1.7579
S33 6RN S33 S 53.3465 -1.7439
S33 6RP S33 S 53.3375 -1.7525
S33 6RQ S33 S 53.3482 -1.7407
S33 6RR S33 S 53.3449 -1.7359
S33 6RS S33 S 53.3489 -1.7444
S33 6RT S33 S 53.3495 -1.7423
S33 6RU S33 S 53.3426 -1.7259
S33 6RW S33 S 53.3407 -1.741
S33 6RX S33 S 53.3495 -1.7475
S33 6RY S33 S 53.3491 -1.7423
S33 6RZ S33 S 53.3483 -1.7559
S33 6SA S33 S 53.3539 -1.7341
S33 6SB S33 S 53.3478 -1.7484
S33 6SD S33 S 53.3476 -1.7515
S33 6SE S33 S 53.3483 -1.7413
S33 6SF S33 S 53.3551 -1.7478
S33 6TF S33 S 53.3602 -1.7443
S33 6WA S33 S 53.3483 -1.7428
S33 6WY S33 S 53.3638 -1.7445
S33 6WZ S33 S 53.3483 -1.7428
S33 6XY S33 S 53.3483 -1.7428
S33 6XZ S33 S 53.3483 -1.7428
S33 6ZE S33 S 53.3559 -1.7408
S33 6ZF S33 S 53.3501 -1.7437
S33 6ZG S33 S 53.3473 -1.7422
S33 6ZP S33 S 53.3476 -1.7434
S33 6ZW S33 S 53.3483 -1.7428

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