BA Postcode Area

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There are 20507 postcodes inside the postcode area BA. Of this, there are 19 districts. Please find a summary of the 19 Postcode districts of the BA area below

BA1 Bath
BA10 Bruton
BA11 Frome
BA12 Longbridge Deverill
BA13 Westbury
BA14 Trowbridge
BA15 Bradford-on-Avon
BA16 Street
BA2 Bath
BA20 Yeovil
BA21 Yeovil
BA22 Mudford
BA3 Kilmersdon
BA4 Shepton Mallet
BA5 St Cuthbert Out
BA6 Glastonbury
BA7 Castle Cary
BA8 Templecombe
BA9 Wincanton

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