BH21 8 Sector

Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes

Map of BH21 8 Sector postcodes.

A list of the 29 postcodes inside the postcode sector BH21 8.

Postal Town : Colehill

Country : England

BH21 8AB BH21 BH 50.8785 -1.9186
BH21 8BA BH21 BH 50.798 -1.985
BH21 8LF BH21 BH 50.8864 -1.9079
BH21 8LJ BH21 BH 50.881 -1.915
BH21 8LL BH21 BH 50.8803 -1.919
BH21 8LN BH21 BH 50.8812 -1.9308
BH21 8LP BH21 BH 50.882 -1.933
BH21 8LQ BH21 BH 50.8796 -1.9142
BH21 8LR BH21 BH 50.8804 -1.9138
BH21 8LS BH21 BH 50.8817 -1.9156
BH21 8LT BH21 BH 50.8825 -1.9179
BH21 8LU BH21 BH 50.8818 -1.9201
BH21 8LW BH21 BH 50.881 -1.9266
BH21 8LX BH21 BH 50.8787 -1.9082
BH21 8LY BH21 BH 50.8785 -1.9114
BH21 8LZ BH21 BH 50.8827 -1.9366
BH21 8NA BH21 BH 50.8829 -1.955
BH21 8NB BH21 BH 50.8716 -1.9433
BH21 8ND BH21 BH 50.8725 -1.9358
BH21 8NE BH21 BH 50.8796 -1.9388
BH21 8NF BH21 BH 50.8841 -1.9338
BH21 8NG BH21 BH 50.8898 -1.9285
BH21 8NH BH21 BH 50.8895 -1.9189
BH21 8NJ BH21 BH 50.8802 -1.9149
BH21 8NL BH21 BH 50.8805 -1.9156
BH21 8NQ BH21 BH 50.89 -1.9185
BH21 8SS BH21 BH 50.8805 -1.926
BH21 8YA BH21 BH 50.8805 -1.926
BH21 8YB BH21 BH 50.8808 -1.9202

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