BN23 6WB (Terminated) Postcode
Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes
Map of BN23 6WB (Terminated)
This map shows the location of BN23 6WB (Terminated)
Information about BN23 6WB (Terminated)
Estimated Address : Potts Marsh Industrial Estate, Westham, Pevensey BN24 5NA, UK
Town : Westham
Country : England
Date Introduced : November 2002
Date Terminated : February 2014
Estimated Elevation : 4 m
Latitude, Longitude : 50.8126, 0.3225
Easting : 563720
Northing : 0104016
Listings For BN23 6WB (Terminated)
BN23 6WB (Terminated) postcode breakdown
BN23 6WB (Terminated) is in the postcode sector BN23 6
BN23 6WB (Terminated) is in the postcode district BN23
BN23 6WB (Terminated) is in the postcode area BN