BT15 3HF Postcode
Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes
Map of BT15 3HF
This map shows the location of BT15 3HF
Information about BT15 3HF
Estimated Address : 98 York Rd, Belfast BT15 3HF, UK
Town : Belfast
Country : Northern Ireland
Date Introduced : December 1984
Estimated Elevation : 5.2 m
Latitude, Longitude : 54.6172, -5.9243
Easting : 334136 (Irish National Grid)
Northing : 0376318 (Irish National Grid)
Listings For BT15 3HF
- The Alexandra Florist (Florist)
Address: 88 York Road, , Belfast, , BT15 3HF
Tel: 028 90351184
BT15 3HF postcode breakdown
BT15 3HF is in the postcode sector BT15 3
BT15 3HF is in the postcode district BT15
BT15 3HF is in the postcode area BT