CA24 3LP Postcode
Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes
Map of CA24 3LP
This map shows the location of CA24 3LP
Information about CA24 3LP
Estimated Address : 4 High Moor Ln, Moor Row CA24 3LP, UK
Town : Moor Row
Country : England
Date Introduced : June 1996
Estimated Elevation : 84.3 m
Latitude, Longitude : 54.5122, -3.5392
Population : 12 (2011 Census)
Number of Occupied Households : 5 (2011 Census)
Easting : 300445
Northing : 0514079
Listings For CA24 3LP
CA24 3LP postcode breakdown
CA24 3LP is in the postcode sector CA24 3
CA24 3LP is in the postcode district CA24
CA24 3LP is in the postcode area CA