CO Postcode Area

Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes


There are 18584 postcodes inside the postcode area CO. Of this, there are 16 districts. Please find a summary of the 16 Postcode districts of the CO area below

CO1 Colchester
CO10 Sudbury
CO11 Mistley
CO12 Harwich
CO13 Frinton and Walton
CO14 Frinton and Walton
CO15 Clacton-on-Sea
CO16 Little Clacton
CO2 Colchester
CO3 Colchester
CO4 Colchester
CO5 Layer Breton
CO6 Fordham
CO7 Elmstead
CO8 Bures Hamlet
CO9 Sible Hedingham

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