GU13 9TE (Terminated) Postcode
Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes
Map of GU13 9TE (Terminated)
This map shows the location of GU13 9TE (Terminated)
Information about GU13 9TE (Terminated)
Estimated Address : 13 Basingbourne Rd, Fleet GU52 6TE, UK
Town : Fleet
Country : England
Date Introduced : January 1980
Date Terminated : January 2001
Estimated Elevation : 83.3 m
Latitude, Longitude : 51.2685, -0.835
Easting : 481371
Northing : 0152799
Listings For GU13 9TE (Terminated)
GU13 9TE (Terminated) postcode breakdown
GU13 9TE (Terminated) is in the postcode sector GU13 9
GU13 9TE (Terminated) is in the postcode district GU13
GU13 9TE (Terminated) is in the postcode area GU