HU Postcode Area

Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes


There are 15652 postcodes inside the postcode area HU. Of this, there are 20 districts. Please find a summary of the 20 Postcode districts of the HU area below

HU1 Hull
HU10 Cottingham
HU11 Ellerby
HU12 Burstwick
HU13 Hessle
HU14 North Ferriby
HU15 Ellerker
HU16 Cottingham
HU17 Cottingham
HU18 Hornsea
HU19 Withernsea
HU2 Hull
HU20 Rowley
HU3 Hull
HU4 Hull
HU5 Hull
HU6 Hull
HU7 Hull
HU8 Hull
HU9 Hull

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