LA Postcode Area

Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes


There are 14949 postcodes inside the postcode area LA. Of this, there are 23 districts. Please find a summary of the 23 Postcode districts of the LA area below

LA1 Lancaster
LA10 Sedbergh
LA11 Grange-over-Sands
LA12 Ulverston
LA13 Dalton-in-Furness
LA14 Dalton-in-Furness
LA15 Dalton Town with New
LA16 Ireleth
LA17 Kirkby Ireleth
LA18 Millom
LA19 Bootle
LA2 Caton
LA20 Broughton West
LA21 Coniston
LA22 Lakes
LA23 Windermere
LA3 Lancaster
LA4 Lancaster
LA5 Warton
LA6 Whittingham
LA7 Milnthorpe
LA8 Kendal
LA9 Kendal

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