LL49 9NX (Terminated) Postcode
Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes
Map of LL49 9NX (Terminated)
This map shows the location of LL49 9NX (Terminated)
Information about LL49 9NX (Terminated)
Estimated Address : Penamser Rd, Porthmadog LL49, UK
Town : Porthmadog
Country : Wales
Date Introduced : September 2003
Date Terminated : September 2012
Estimated Elevation : 3 m
Latitude, Longitude : 52.932, -4.1455
Easting : 255892
Northing : 0339332
Listings For LL49 9NX (Terminated)
- Babipur (Business)
Address: Babipur Towers, Gelert House, Penamser Road, Porthmadog, Gwynedd
Tel: 01766770644
LL49 9NX (Terminated) postcode breakdown
LL49 9NX (Terminated) is in the postcode sector LL49 9
LL49 9NX (Terminated) is in the postcode district LL49
LL49 9NX (Terminated) is in the postcode area LL