M50 2YR (Terminated) Postcode

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M > M50 > M50 2

Map of M50 2YR (Terminated)

This map shows the location of M50 2YR (Terminated)

Information about M50 2YR (Terminated)

Estimated Address : Spinnaker Court Chandlers Point, Broadway, Salford M50 2YR, UK

Town : Salford

Country :

Date Introduced : December 2016

Date Terminated : May 2017

Estimated Elevation : 27.8 m

Latitude, Longitude : 53.475, -2.2876

Easting : 381011

Northing : 0397627

Listings For M50 2YR (Terminated)

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M50 2YR (Terminated) postcode breakdown

M50 2YR (Terminated) is in the postcode sector M50 2

M50 2YR (Terminated) is in the postcode district M50

M50 2YR (Terminated) is in the postcode area M

Comments About M50 2YR (Terminated)


It's extremely unfortunate and inconvenient that this post code was terminated as it used to point directly to the cluster of office buildings within Chandler's Point including Spinnaker Court and Capstan House. The post code all these businesses must now use is M50 2UW which is centered over 1/2 mile away. All our customers get lost and wind up way down Broadway. In a car 1/2 a mile is a minute but many walk to us... With this many businesses in a complex, why we're forced to use a post code that far away is a mystery - especially when we had our own in 2017. Can this be re-visited for reactivation?

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