NG13 7 Sector

Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes

Map of NG13 7 Sector postcodes.

A list of the 24 postcodes inside the postcode sector NG13 7.

Postal Town : Bingham

Country : England

NG13 7AB NG13 NG 52.9611 -0.9628
NG13 7AD NG13 NG 52.9624 -0.9621
NG13 7AE NG13 NG 52.961 -0.9614
NG13 7AF NG13 NG 52.9623 -0.9627
NG13 7AG NG13 NG 52.9623 -0.9615
NG13 7AH NG13 NG 52.9616 -0.9611
NG13 7AJ NG13 NG 52.9614 -0.9605
NG13 7AL NG13 NG 52.9609 -0.9603
NG13 7AN NG13 NG 52.9605 -0.9626
NG13 7AP NG13 NG 52.9604 -0.9633
NG13 7AQ NG13 NG 52.9607 -0.9635
NG13 7AR NG13 NG 52.9608 -0.9649
NG13 7AS NG13 NG 52.9606 -0.9642
NG13 7AT NG13 NG 52.9582 -0.9589
NG13 7AU NG13 NG 52.9595 -0.9645
NG13 7AW NG13 NG 52.9596 -0.9652
NG13 7AX NG13 NG 52.9597 -0.966
NG13 7AY NG13 NG 52.9609 -0.9643
NG13 7BA NG13 NG 52.9566 -0.9571
NG13 7BB NG13 NG 52.9585 -0.9591
NG13 7BD NG13 NG 52.9577 -0.9589
NG13 7BP NG13 NG 52.9557 -0.9609
NG13 7BT NG13 NG 52.9607 -0.9581
NG13 7BU NG13 NG 52.9602 -0.9576

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