RH Postcode Area

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There are 24645 postcodes inside the postcode area RH. Of this, there are 20 districts. Please find a summary of the 20 Postcode districts of the RH area below

RH1 Reigate and Banstead
RH10 Crawley
RH11 Crawley
RH12 Horsham
RH13 Southwater
RH14 Wisborough Green
RH15 Burgess Hill
RH16 Haywards Heath
RH17 Cuckfield Rural
RH18 Forest Row
RH19 East Grinstead
RH2 Reigate and Banstead
RH20 Storrington
RH3 Brockham
RH4 Dorking
RH5 Capel
RH6 Horley
RH7 Lingfield
RH8 Limpsfield
RH9 Godstone

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