S63 5 Sector

Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes

Map of S63 5 Sector postcodes.

A list of the 24 postcodes inside the postcode sector S63 5.

Postal Town : Barnsley

Country : England

S63 5AA S63 S 53.5044 -1.329
S63 5AB S63 S 53.4984 -1.3143
S63 5AD S63 S 53.4987 -1.3126
S63 5BD S63 S 53.5126 -1.3621
S63 5DA S63 S 53.5133 -1.3637
S63 5DB S63 S 53.5044 -1.3255
S63 5DD S63 S 53.5086 -1.3329
S63 5DE S63 S 53.5134 -1.365
S63 5DF S63 S 53.506 -1.3195
S63 5DG S63 S 53.507 -1.3365
S63 5DH S63 S 53.503 -1.3379
S63 5DJ S63 S 53.5098 -1.3316
S63 5DL S63 S 53.5077 -1.3248
S63 5DN S63 S 53.5071 -1.3327
S63 5DP S63 S 53.5122 -1.3617
S63 5DQ S63 S 53.5073 -1.3373
S63 5DR S63 S 53.5033 -1.3183
S63 5NA S63 S 53.5003 -1.3153
S63 5NB S63 S 53.4994 -1.3135
S63 5XA S63 S 53.5044 -1.329
S63 5XB S63 S 53.5044 -1.329
S63 5XD S63 S 53.5044 -1.329
S63 5XE S63 S 53.5003 -1.3152
S63 5ZX S63 S 53.5044 -1.329

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