SA44 5LT Postcode

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SA > SA44 > SA44 5

Map of SA44 5LT

This map shows the location of SA44 5LT

Information about SA44 5LT

Estimated Address : The Oldreciory, Coed-y-bryn, Llandysul SA44 5LT, UK

Town : Llandysul

Country : Wales

Date Introduced : January 1980

Estimated Elevation : 176.3 m

Latitude, Longitude : 52.0698, -4.4064

Population : 2 (2011 Census)

Number of Occupied Households : 2 (2011 Census)

Easting : 235113

Northing : 0243937

Listings For SA44 5LT

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SA44 5LT postcode breakdown

SA44 5LT is in the postcode sector SA44 5

SA44 5LT is in the postcode district SA44

SA44 5LT is in the postcode area SA

Comments About SA44 5LT

On by UK Postcode

Hi, data on this site and others is from Google Maps (https://www.google.com/maps). You can suggest an edit on the google maps page (https://www.google.com/maps) using the Send Feedback option


Sirs, the information contained on this site in relation to the property highlighted above is wrong and might explain why there is so much confusion associated with various utility companies and many others failing to find my address properly or sending private confidential mail belonging to me to the adjoining property - a situation which has resulted in a great deal of trouble, police intervention and potentially provided grounds for identity fraud in certain situations. I am currently viewing your arrow hovering over my house which is styled on the map attached to it as LLANGYNLLO FARM. In fact the property highlighted and the tree lined field lying immediately south of it is TOTALLY unconnected to the farm and it's correct name is OLD LLANGYNLLO RECTORY. It is an unregistered but listed property and has been in my ownership for over 3 decades. It's access road which leads from the north of the adjoining farm is also privately owned by me and comprises part of my property NOT the adjoining farm's as is suggested by your incorrect mapping information. I would be very much obliged if your would correct this error at your earliest convenience to save further confusion all round and specifically nuisance to myself. Thankyou.

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