WR5 3LW Postcode
Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes
Map of WR5 3LW
This map shows the location of WR5 3LW
Information about WR5 3LW
Country : England
Date Introduced : January 1980
Estimated Elevation : 25.3 m
Latitude, Longitude : 52.1505, -2.219
Population : 6 (2011 Census)
Number of Occupied Households : 2 (2011 Census)
Easting : 385114
Northing : 0250274
Listings For WR5 3LW
- Lancaster Investment Property Ltd (Business)
Address: Unit 1, Open Barn Business Centre, Main Road, Kempsey, Worcester, WR5 3LW
WR5 3LW postcode breakdown
WR5 3LW is in the postcode sector WR5 3
WR5 3LW is in the postcode district WR5
WR5 3LW is in the postcode area WR