WS10 7BH Postcode

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WS > WS10 > WS10 7

Map of WS10 7BH

This map shows the location of WS10 7BH

Information about WS10 7BH

Estimated Address : 4 St James St, Wednesbury WS10 7DY, UK

Country : England

Date Introduced : June 2016

Estimated Elevation : 134.3 m

Latitude, Longitude : 52.5571, -2.0394

Easting : 397426

Northing : 0295469

Listings For WS10 7BH

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WS10 7BH postcode breakdown

WS10 7BH is in the postcode sector WS10 7

WS10 7BH is in the postcode district WS10

WS10 7BH is in the postcode area WS

Comments About WS10 7BH

On by UK Postcode

Hi Steve, we can't explain why Royal Mail have decided to do this but there are times when a post code has found a new use. It can take time for this update to propagate through to databases such as this website. We do regularly make updates so there is a high chance WS10 7BH will soon be listed as active at the location you expect

On by Steve Dale

can you tell us why WS10 7BH has been terminated? this has recently been allocated to SLD Transport Southern Way Wednesbury

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