CM5 9PJ (Terminated) Postcode
Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes
Map of CM5 9PJ (Terminated)
This map shows the location of CM5 9PJ (Terminated)
Information about CM5 9PJ (Terminated)
Estimated Address : 43 London Rd, Stanford Rivers, Ongar CM5 9PJ, UK
Town : Stanford Rivers
Country : England
Date Introduced : September 2004
Date Terminated : January 2016
Estimated Elevation : 47.1 m
Latitude, Longitude : 51.68, 0.2275
Population : 9 (2011 Census)
Number of Occupied Households : 2 (2011 Census)
Easting : 554098
Northing : 0200266
Listings For CM5 9PJ (Terminated)
- London Hoist Limited (Business)
Address: 43 London Road, , Stanford Rivers, , Ongar, ,
Tel: 0207 538 4833
CM5 9PJ (Terminated) postcode breakdown
CM5 9PJ (Terminated) is in the postcode sector CM5 9
CM5 9PJ (Terminated) is in the postcode district CM5
CM5 9PJ (Terminated) is in the postcode area CM