L27 1 Sector

Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes

Map of L27 1 Sector postcodes.

A list of the 41 postcodes inside the postcode sector L27 1.

Postal Town : Liverpool

Country : England

L27 1AA L27 L 53.3933 -2.8554
L27 1AB L27 L 53.3929 -2.8559
L27 1AD L27 L 53.3946 -2.8573
L27 1AE L27 L 53.3933 -2.8565
L27 1AF L27 L 53.3943 -2.8579
L27 1XD L27 L 53.3939 -2.8522
L27 1XE L27 L 53.3944 -2.8515
L27 1XF L27 L 53.3947 -2.8511
L27 1XG L27 L 53.3951 -2.8507
L27 1XH L27 L 53.396 -2.8509
L27 1XJ L27 L 53.3952 -2.8493
L27 1XL L27 L 53.3936 -2.8503
L27 1XN L27 L 53.3933 -2.8518
L27 1XP L27 L 53.394 -2.8519
L27 1XQ L27 L 53.3942 -2.8497
L27 1XR L27 L 53.3916 -2.8502
L27 1XS L27 L 53.392 -2.8513
L27 1XT L27 L 53.3925 -2.8511
L27 1XU L27 L 53.393 -2.8542
L27 1XX L27 L 53.3955 -2.8519
L27 1XY L27 L 53.3958 -2.8529
L27 1XZ L27 L 53.3952 -2.853
L27 1YA L27 L 53.3925 -2.851
L27 1YB L27 L 53.3925 -2.8522
L27 1YD L27 L 53.3934 -2.8511
L27 1YE L27 L 53.3948 -2.8541
L27 1YF L27 L 53.3948 -2.8541
L27 1YG L27 L 53.3948 -2.8541
L27 1YH L27 L 53.3929 -2.8535
L27 1YJ L27 L 53.3945 -2.8501
L27 1YL L27 L 53.3938 -2.8499
L27 1YN L27 L 53.3953 -2.851
L27 1YP L27 L 53.3955 -2.8498
L27 1YQ L27 L 53.3948 -2.8541
L27 1YR L27 L 53.396 -2.8509
L27 1YS L27 L 53.3921 -2.8496
L27 1YT L27 L 53.3935 -2.8538
L27 1YW L27 L 53.3936 -2.8528
L27 1YX L27 L 53.3944 -2.8542
L27 1YY L27 L 53.395 -2.8539
L27 1YZ L27 L 53.3945 -2.8528

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