L27 1XE Postcode
Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes
Map of L27 1XE
This map shows the location of L27 1XE
Information about L27 1XE
Estimated Address :
Town :
Country : England
Date Introduced : December 1999
Estimated Elevation : m
Latitude, Longitude : 53.3944, -2.8515
Population : 33 (2011 Census)
Number of Occupied Households : 13 (2011 Census)
Easting : 343471
Northing : 0388961
Listings For L27 1XE
L27 1XE postcode breakdown
L27 1XE is in the postcode sector L27 1
L27 1XE is in the postcode district L27
L27 1XE is in the postcode area L